A crazy type imagines
Peter Silhengst
My name is Peter Silhengst. I am a diploma biologist. I have made my
hobby to the profession so. If you are still young, you should do it as
well. It is the surest guarantee for a happy and fulfilled life. Isn't
it a fantastic idea to deal every weekday for eight hours with things
which make fun and joy? I am 1943 born. Already with 3 to 4 years I
brought along always new animals home. My parents were often in despair
because of this. With 10 years I already had a little zoo. The fellow
occupants weren't enthusiastically about my passion this one in Glauchau
in our house. Because snakes (igittigitt) need mice and rats as food. Of
course these animals were cultivated by me. But I have somehow made it
again and again calm the feelings. With the cacti there were less
worries. The windows refused only my mother to clean. With an age of 14 years the question of the profession to the debate
stood. However, I didn't want to become a zoo director. I wanted for me
to build great greenhouses and Terraria later anyway. Therefore I
learned the bricklayer profession. I have never regretted it, too. The
biology studies came first after this. Look at my pages. Here you can
see what I have reached. A lot of fun! Still a word for the end. Such a hobby filling time and operated
intensively is possible only with a loving, patient and well-informed
woman at the side. I would like to thank my wife Anna quite warmly here
for her patience, her love and her daily help. I also owe my friend Dr.
Andreas Freytag. He gave me the courage still to occupy me with HTML in
the age of 56 years. I as well owe my friend Otto Aurich, this one I already
explained the world of the computers into the 80th. years. And what to beginning
was whole. My teacher in my
home town Glauchau is Dr. Johannes Schubert. Patience became with his
help a grave scientific work us his great from my hobby. Many many
Peter Silhengst, Lange Gasse 13,
06449 Aschersleben
03473 912157 (An answering
machine is available, if I am with my animals.)
mobil: 0171 2070919,
e-mail silhengst@t-online.de
Mail me please Your questions.