The sex determination with the cloakesonde with snakes is very problematic. Improper an investigate with sonde (an invetigate with sonde is already an unnecessary cruelty to animals in my eyes) comes this one after great misery with cloake inflammation to later barrenness of the animals. At this the sex determination is patience very simply and for certain with something. 

Before I prove this, anatomy comes a little. Two Penes have snakes and lizards, (male sexual organs, penis = singular). Therefore they are called Hemipenes (singular = Hemipenis). Hemi dates from the Greek and means as much as half-page. You are dressed in an outer skin. They are occupied with hook shacks partly. You are one put by the cloake in direction of tail to inside. These inside-penis form the Hemipenisbags. A little fate and still more happiness will you know invetigate with a sonde. Since these bags are however only approx. 5-8 mm deep at a 1.80 m long Goniosoma oxycephala, a sex determination is very questionable with the sonde anyway. The circumstance still arrives at this, that the animals strongly often go tense at the investigate with a sonde and the bags aren't reached at all with that. The Hemipenes are skinned at one slough off going normally. This can obviously be stated at the skin. The skins tear slough off going unfavorably at one off from the Penes and remain in the bag. Therefore several skins of an animal are part of a sure sex determination.

skin of a male
Red-tailed Rat Snake
(Goniosoma oxycephala)
The skins of hemipe-
nisbags can be regog-
nized clearly.
The snake is approxi- mate 1,80m long.
scale of image is 3 : 1








  The skin of two Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes here for comparison purposes. (Crotalus atrox)
               male                                                  female